Congregation Agudat Achim

Women’s Network

Women’s Network Membership/Renewal Application

Our purpose is to strengthen and unite all synagogue women into one network of women, supporting each other in our homes, synagogue, and community, and to reinforce our bonds with Conservative Judaism, Israel, and Jews worldwide.We are doing this by Learning, Living, Sharing, and Linking.


You will experience stimulating programs and study groups designed to enhance your personal growth, Jewish involvement, and sense of community.


Our book club had a great discussion about “The Gift of Asher Lev.”

Everyone is welcome to attend the book club, which meets at the synagogue’s library bi-monthly at noon to discuss books on various topics.

(left) Sonya Trevizo with her book The Education of a Musician’s Daughter.


Women’s Network provides funding for new books and periodicals. For more information, please contact the synagogue office at (518) 393-9211 or by email at


The Rosh Hodesh Group has been an integral part of learning and social experiences for women since 1982. It is the longest continuously existing Rosh Hodesh program in the US.   We meet monthly, most often in member’s homes, with a topic of interest to women, presented by our members, local (women) Rabbis, or others with unique relationships to the subject matter.   Sometimes we study a text in Torah or Talmud, and sometimes a discussion arises from a book or other source materials.  Some conversations are serious – our relationship to food, occasionally light-hearted – a study of Yiddish curses.

We are fortunate to have the resources of the Sadie Schneider Rosh Hodesh Learning Fund, which enables us to bring speakers from out of the area to share their interests with us periodically. Meetings are always open to all women of the congregation and others in the community at large. In addition, we have at least one larger annual gathering coordinated with the women of our neighboring congregations and the Schenectady JCC. For more information, write Mishka Luft at


Add your voice and influence concerning the family, synagogue, the Jewish community, and Israel.


Twice a year Women’s Network sends care packages to all current college undergraduate students within the Congregation Agudat Achim membership.


Enrich your own Jewish identity and that of your family by giving to others and teaching the gift of Jewish values.


Reyut is the heart of Women’s Network, a committee working to develop a genuinely caring congregation. It consists of volunteers who provide:

Transportation to medical appointments, services, and synagogue activities.
Meals following funerals and other needed occasions.
Hospital visits.
Homebound visits on holidays and as requested.
Nursing home visits.

Rosh Hashanah and Purim packages to homebound seniors.

Support requests for members as needed (after consulting with Rabbi Rafi Spitzer to ensure they can be done responsibly).

As a community activist and congregation leader and champion, Sadie Schneider z’l wrote in the original description of Reyut, “As awareness of needs grows, so does the program grow.” For more information or to request a service, please contact the synagogue office (518) 393-9211 or by email at and leave a message for Linda Birnby. All requests are confidential, and no request will be ignored.

Suggestions for workshops to further our connection to those in need are also welcome.


Faith Community Nursing is another arm of Reyut. The mission of this program is to support members of our Congregation through life’s transitions while growing spiritually.

Our volunteers provide:

Health education.

Personal health counselors.

Referral agents and liaisons.

Health advocates and developers of support groups for populations across the lifespan.

All information is kept strictly confidential. Ongoing programs include “Cooking for One” classes and the Healthy Living Group. For more information, please contact Ellin Friedman at


We serve lunches to children and youth ages 18 and under during a week in the summer, under the auspices of SICM.


Hearts and Hummus is our annual community service project, traditionally done for Ellis Hospital. Heart-shaped pillows are sewn and stuffed to be given to cardiac patients following their open-heart surgery.


Women’s Network provides funding for special projects and items that are not funded through the general budget. We support USY and Kadima programs, the Religious School, and the synagogue at large.


By being a link to Women’s Network, you will have the opportunity to connect with other women. Be that woman who can make a difference!


On this special annual Shabbat, more than fifty women participate in leading the service. On this Shabbat, we celebrate the anniversary of our umbrella organization, Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, along with the women of our synagogue.

For more information, please contact Hilary Fink at


The Torah Fund of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism has raised nearly $66 million since its inception through various fundraising events, including the sale of greeting cards for every life event and benefactor pins to support the Jewish Theological Seminary. Women’s Network supports this effort with a program and the sale of greeting cards throughout the year.

For more information, please contact Sharon Wohl at

Hessed Committee/Caring for our Community

Hessed, lovingkindness is based on the idea that we are all responsible for one another. Hessed is not merely an emotion or feeling but involves action on behalf of someone in need. It describes a sense of love and loyalty that inspires compassionate behavior towards another person. This is the premise of the Hessed Outreach Program.

Volunteers are needed to reach out to people we may or may not know. For example, you may check in with someone living alone who may need assistance of some kind. In addition, there are many resources within our community that we can access to help people. These include Rabbi Rafi Spitzer and Jewish Family Services. We just need you to say, “Yes, I can help. “

For more information, please contact the synagogue office at (518) 393-9211 or email